Mark Draveni, the wealthy and charismatic leader of a teenage brotherhood known as the Demons, faces a dilemma when his girlfriend Giulia becomes pregnant and resolute to keep the baby. Amidst the chaos, Mark is seduced by a mysterious schoolmate named Serena Cursi, setting off a disturbing chain of events. As a dark curse resurfaces, Mark seeks help from a shady reporter, Enrico Artale, to protect Giulia from the ominous stalker, Serena.
The Mark
Mark Draveni, the wealthy and charismatic leader of a teenage brotherhood known as the Demons, faces a dilemma when his girlfriend Giulia becomes pregnant and resolute to keep the baby. Amidst the chaos, Mark is seduced by a mysterious schoolmate named Serena Cursi, setting off a disturbing chain of events. As a dark curse resurfaces, Mark seeks help from a shady reporter, Enrico Artale, to protect Giulia from the ominous stalker, Serena.
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