In 1984, a Russian research team goes below the surface to find out what secret the world's deepest borehole is hiding. On their expedition, something unexpectedly gruesome awaits the researchers.
In 1984, a Russian research team goes below the surface to find out what secret the world's deepest borehole is hiding. On their expedition, something unexpectedly gruesome awaits the researchers.
Where to watch (United States)
Milena RadulovićAnya
Sergey IvanukMikheev
Nicholay KovbasYury
Nikita DyuvbanovNikolay
Vadim DemchogGrigoriev
Albina ChaykinaKira
Kirill KovbasPeter
Victor NizovoyBig Daddy
Artyom TsukanovEgorov
Andrey TrushinShahter
Ilya IlinykhSergeant
Dasha ChagalOlga
Alisa ZelenovskayaFemale New Year's Guest #1
Alexei SdobnovTarabukin
Vladimir KolidaRadio Operator
Konstantin TernovoySpecial Forces
Dmitry ErmoshinSpecial Forces
Nikita LyushnenkoSpecial Forces
Maxim RaduginMan
Evgeny Cherkashin
Julia UstinovaFemale New Year's Guest #2