- Type
- Film
- Status
- Released
- Release
- January 22, 2021 (3 years ago)
- Alias
- Ku bei
- Language
- Chinese
- Origin
- Taiwan
- Genres
- Infection & Disease
- Production companies
- Machi Xcelsior Studios
- Runtime
- 1h 39m
- Rating
The Sadness
A young couple is pushed to the limits of sanity as they attempt to be reunited amid the chaos of a pandemic outbreak. The streets erupt into violence and depravity, as those infected are driven to enact the most cruel and ghastly things imaginable.
A young couple is pushed to the limits of sanity as they attempt to be reunited amid the chaos of a pandemic outbreak. The streets erupt into violence and depravity, as those infected are driven to enact the most cruel and ghastly things imaginable.
Where to watch (United States)
The Sadness Review The Sadness is now streaming on Shudder, and Bloody Disgusting's review celebrates the boundary-pushing madness of it all.
Fantasia 2021: Junk Head, The Great Yokai War: Guardians, The Sadness, Yakuza Princess | Festivals & Awards Coverage of four more films from Fantasia 2021, including the latest from Takashi Miike.
The Sadness movie review & film summary (2022) The Sadness is both conceptually exhausting and viscerally upsetting—an ideal summer movie for the third year of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The Sadness review – unapologetically yucky gorefest turns into pandemic allegory | Film Inventive Taiwan-set horror in which a virus turns the infected into monsters propelled by their worst instincts