- Type
- Film
- Status
- Released
- Release
- September 15, 2017 (7 years ago)
- Language
- Norwegian
- Origin
- Denmark · France · Norway · Sweden
- Production companies
- B-Reel Films · Copenhagen Film Fund · Don't Look Now · Film i Väst · Filmpool Nord · Le Pacte · Memento Films International · Motlys · Snowglobe
- Runtime
- 1h 56m
- Rating
- Not Rated

Where to watch (United States)
Eili HarboeThelma
Kaya WilkinsAnja
Henrik RafaelsenTrond
Ellen Dorrit PetersenUnni
Grethe EltervågThelma 6 år
Marte Magnusdotter SolemNevrolog
Anders MosslingDr. Paulsson
Vanessa BorgliAnjas mor
Steinar Klouman HallertKristoffer
Ingrid Unnur GiæverJulie
Oskar PaskDaniel
Gorm GrømerGutt på fest
Camilla BelsvikSykepleier hos nevrologen
Martha KjørvenKvinnelig pleier
Ingrid Jørgensen DraglandPleier på Hellersmo
Lars BergeBadevakt
Vibeke LundquistFarmor
Sigve BøeMann utenfor bil
Isabel Christine AndreasenStudent på lesesalen
Tom Louis LindstrømMatteforeleser
Irina Eidsvold TøienBiologiprofessor
Ludvig AlgebackLillebror
Ian TwedmarkLillebror
Vidar FranssonLillebror
Norwegian supernatural thriller ‘Thelma’ never quite coheres This sensual, supernatural Norwegian thriller about a college girl’s dangerous sexual awakening is moody and captivating, if a touch incoherent.
NYFF Review: Thelma Is The Sexy, Psychological Breakout Hit of NYFF Thelma is sensual, sinful, and uncompromising film. Eili Harboe as the lead oozes with raw talent, and fearless determination. This is a movie that...
Even without Louise, ‘Thelma’ holds her own against the patriarchy - The Boston Globe From director Joachim Trier comes a slow-building but potent Norwegian thriller.
Film Review: Thelma Coming of age has severe consequences in Joachim Trier's unsettling psychodrama.
Supernatural thriller 'Thelma' is both subtle and strange: EW review Supernatural thriller Thelma is both subtle and strange: EW review
Movies to watch this week at the cinema: The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Murder on the Orient Express, and more Here's our verdict on the week's new releases...
‘Thelma’: Film Review Joachim Trier follows his English-language debut, 'Louder Than Bombs,' with a swerve toward the supernatural in the Norwegian psychodrama, 'Thelma.'
‘Thelma’ Review: Ingmar Bergman Meets Stephen King in Joachim Trier’s Beguiling Lesbian Horror Movie The director of "Oslo, August 31st" returns with an ominous, unnerving, and strangely powerful thriller about the darkest of human desires.
Review: Joachim Trier's supernatural thriller ‘Thelma’ takes an unsettling look at religion and sexuality “Thelma” begins in a remote stretch of wintry wilderness, where a man and his young daughter step gingerly across a frozen lake and into the woods nearby.
Thelma review – ‘Way too cool for school’ Joachim Trier returns with a bold sci-fi tinged romantic drama that may just leave you feeling cold.
'Thelma' puts a spellbinding supernatural twist on the coming-of-age drama Growing up can often feel like a horror movie.
THELMA is the Supernatural Queer Coming-of-Age Film We've Been Waiting For (Review) There’s something supernatural at work in Thelma, but despite the fears of the devout Christian family at its center, it’s nothing so sinister as the int...
The Orient Express Runs Out of Steam Kenneth Branagh’s Agatha Christie adaptation leans too heavily on starry casting and nostalgic opulence.
A Young Woman Gains Independence — And More — In 'Thelma' Norwegian director Joachim Trier's mercurial tale of a college student who develops frightening abilities once she leaves her strict family descends into sta...
This Scandinavian sci-fi thriller is dark as hell, in the best way From “Carrie” to “Stranger Things,” young women with burgeoning supernatural powers are a formidable (and metaphor-laden) sci-fi sisterhood. The late...
Review: In ‘Thelma,’ a Woman in Love Can Burn Down the World (Published 2017) In Joachim Trier’s sly psychological thriller “Thelma,” a child-woman finds love and discovers that behaving like a good girl can be a very bad idea.
TIFF 2017: “Thelma,” “Disobedience” On two new films about repression and sexuality from TIFF.
Thelma movie review & film summary (2017) The dread in Thelma is not so easy to pin down, coming as it does almost totally through Trier's choice of visuals.
'Thelma' Review: Psychic-Female Horror Movie Can't Make Up Its Mind 'Thelma' flips the script on psychic-female-wreaks-havoc movies – and never really makes up its mind what it wants to be. The Rolling Stone review.
‘Thelma’ Review: A Gorgeously Subdued Supernatural Love Story Norway’s submission for this year’s Best Foreign Language Oscar is a stunning, remarkably universal story about suppressed sexuality.
'Thelma': Toronto Review Joachim Trier tries his hand at a supernatural thriller, with overt nods to De Palma and Stephen King
A Psychosexual Norwegian Mindf*ck ‘Thelma,’ the latest from acclaimed Norwegian filmmaker Joachim Trier, is like an icier modern-day ‘Carrie.’ And it will blow you away.
TIFF Review: ‘Thelma’ Blends Sexual Repression and the Supernatural with Mixed Results It’s perhaps difficult to parse writer/director Joachim Trier’s exact intent in making Thelma, a film which is one part supernatural thriller, another su...
Review: Joachim Trier’s genre-bending Thelma will leave you chilled Thelma, similar to the director’s other films, portrays uncertainty as the ultimate suspense
‘Thelma’: Joachim Trier Crafts A Supernatural Arthouse ‘X-Men' Norwegian filmmaker Joachim Trier takes his preoccupation with mental anxieties to the next level with the ambitious supernatural thriller, 'Thelma.'
Thelma Review: Norway’s Oscar Pick Ably Walks a Fine Line Joachim Trier’s film is both a moving allegory and a compelling film—no mean feat.
Film Review: ‘Thelma’ A year after his English-language debut “Louder than Bombs,” Norwegian director Joachim Trier returns to the language and the setting, if not the genre, ...
Thelma Is Like Carrie Remade by Ingmar Bergman The psychodrama is both more mysterious and more accessible than Joachim Trier’s other films.
Thelma Review [Fantastic Fest 2017] Thelma doesn't exactly tell a unique story, but Joachim Trier's vision is so strong you'll barely even notice.
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