Felix Anthony Silla (January 11, 1937 – April 16, 2021), also credited as Felix Cilla, was an Italian character actor, circus performer, voice artist and movie stuntman, best known for his career in Hollywood in TV and film. Silla started his career in the circus, but is best known from television's The Addams Family as Cousin Itt, a costumed character. Itt was only in one of Charles Addams original comics and his demeanor was created for the show. The character's voice was provided by series director Nat Perrin and Anthony Magro. Silla featured in the Star Wars film Return of the Jedi as one of the hang glider Ewoks. He was also a voice artist on The Sims 2 video game. (Via Wikipedia)
- Origin
- Rome, Lazio, Italy
- Born
- January 11, 1937
- Died
- April 16, 2021 (3 years ago, at 84)