David Winters

David Winters
David Winters (April 5, 1939 - April 23, 2019) was an English-born American dancer, choreographer, producer, director, screenwriter, and actor. Winters participated in, directed and produced over 400 television series, television specials, and motion pictures. Of these, he has directed, produced and distributed over 50 films. (Via TMDB)
London, England, UK
April 5, 1939
April 23, 2019 (5 years ago, at 80)
David Winters (April 5, 1939 - April 23, 2019) was an English-born American dancer, choreographer, producer, director, screenwriter, and actor. Winters participated in, directed and produced over 400 television series, television specials, and motion pictures. Of these, he has directed, produced and distributed over 50 films. (Via TMDB)